Aspen Medical Foundation and Alcoa Foundation...
The Malpa program has been delivered to about 3,000 students across Australia and is being expanded to schools in WA for the first time thanks to generous funding from global charity Alcoa Foundation. The funding will assist the Aspen Medical Foundation to continue working with Malpa, which it has done for more than a decade.
Aspen Medical Foundation has partnered with Malpa...
Inspired by the Ngangkari, the traditional Aboriginal healers of Central Australia, The Young Doctors Program aims to teach healing skills to young children, preserving ancient wisdom whilst incorporating modern health practices.
Aspen Medical Foundation and ACRF Launch World’s...
The Aspen Medical Foundation partnered with the Australian Cancer Research Foundation (ACRF) to establish the Lung Cancer Screening Centre of Excellence (LUSCE), the world’s first mobile multiplatform lung cancer research facility.
Creating community
Aspen Medical's Director of Technology and Compliance Ruth Bishop has volunteering in her blood - now she's passing that onto her own family as they support the Rural Fire Service in their community.
37 Nurses Graduate from the Inaugural Aspen...
Aspen Medical in Fiji recently celebrated a significant milestone with the graduation of the inaugural class of 37 nurses from its Graduate Nurses Program, an intensive 12-month program specifically designed to address the clinical skill gap and enhance the quality of patient care.
Keeping it in the family
Inspired by the strong and compassionate women in his life, and with assistance from an Aspen Medical Foundation scholarship, proud Mandandanji and Kamilaroi Aboriginal man Matt Maley hopes to motivate other First Nations people to pursue a career in healthcare.
Aspen Medical partners with Tridaya Group to...
The signing agreement of collaboration between the two companies was carried out in order to provide an international standard health facilities network in the Eastern Indonesia region.
Aspen Medical appointed to panel to provide surge...
Aspen Medical has been appointed by the Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care (DoHA) as a member of the panel to provide surge workforce services to support Medicare Urgent Care Clinics (UCCs).
We operate across Australia, the UK and Europe, the Middle East, North America, Africa, Asia and the Indo-Pacific region, and employ a workforce of dedicated, experienced and highly trained professionals.
Want to know more? Contact us by making an enquiry here.